The humpback whale

The humpback whale

Among the different cetacean species are the largest mammals on the planet. This family of species is composed of two main groups: toothed whales, such as sperm whales and orcas, and baleen whales such as blue and humpback whales. Whales, in this case, are part of the baleen group as they have comb



Awaken your curiosity and senses on this expedition, where you will discover a new world of colors, shapes, and sounds of nature. Birdwatching seeks to observe and engage with different species and their habitats, creating awareness of their behaviors and the importance of caring for the ecosystems

Living among dinosaurs

Living among dinosaurs

It should not be a surprise to some to talk about the vast biodiversity that inhabits Colombia, with a wide variety of endemic species, it is known as the second most biodiverse country in the world and part of this treasure inhabits the Chocó rainforest. Basilisks, or Basiliscus in their